Note Tag: WordPress

  • Headless WordPress

    I don’t understand the excitement around Headless WordPress. WP has a perfectly capable templating system – and now FSE. And I firmly believe that WordPress is actually wp-admin. I’ve seen and done cool things with the REST-API – like External Content Integration. Now, there are situations where a headless approach makes sense. When WP is…

  • External Content Integration

    The site is actually two sites – and Both were built at the same time. I think of them as an air-gapped WP multisite. The thing was, there was a requirement to have content from each site native in the other one. Native in post-selectors in blocks, search, archives, and everywhere. Using…

  • WP multisite syndication using MySQL views

    At some point, the agency I worked at had a need for syndication logic on several builds at the same time. In this context, syndication meant a hub and spoke model – some content created at the hub needed to be available at the spokes as well. There are ways to solve this in the…

  • mu-plugins image proxy

    Ignoring that the RequestFromServerGlobal class isn’t available this is code that will grab media from wp-content/uploads and store it locally. This allows you to slowly build your local media library without 1 large sync. It’s not the fastest if you have to grab dozens of images, but typically for local dev that’s fine. #WordPress Linked…

  • PSR-7 and WordPress

    I’ve been thinking about PSR-7 from PHP-FIG. In most MVC frameworks the request/response objects act like a pipeline. And there are many reasons this won’t work in WP on the response side – the REST API has a specific response object and conventional PHP templated themes are emitting markup rather than building an object to…